dijous, 1 de març del 2012

Cervera was dressed up of Carnival

Cervera was dressed up for Carnival

The 18th of February in the afternoon, the citizens from Cervera, celebrated an annual celebration: the carnival in their streets.

The celebration started at six o’clock approximately , and was compound with a route in the streets, and finally in the evening there was a party in the sports hall, to share out the prizes of the groups that participated on the route during the afternoon. Referring to the route, there was eight groups that participated. The weather was very cold. However, lots of people were on the streets were seeing the groups that were dancing and having fan in the party. In the evening, all the people were dancing on the sports hall.

Finally, the mayor and the king of carnival went to the stage of the sports hall and addressed to the assistants and said thank you to all of people that made the carnival an annual celebration.


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