dijous, 1 de març del 2012

Cyclists demand respect the safety distance to prevent accidents

Cyclists demand respect the safety distance to prevent accidents

 The claim arrived one day later after a car ran over four cyclists on the C-13, in Vallfogona de Balaguer (Noguera) and caused the death of two of them.
 The 12th of February on the 26 km of the C-13, a driver of 19 years old, with less than one year of driving experience, ran over four cyclists and caused the death in the act of two of them and seriously injuries to the others.

 The city of Balaguer, where the two deaths cyclists were natural, Pere Pedrosa and Joan Alcázar, 35 and 40, respectively, is still shocked by the tragic event.

 Consequently, the Catalan Coordinator of Bicycle Users (CCUB) wants to finish with the blood on the roads. They demand respect the lateral distance when cars overtake cyclists and also a new institutional campaign to “reeducate” the drivers about how to coexist with the cyclist on the road.

 This tragic event caused one thousand riders take part in a demonstration on 19th of February with the motto: 

Andrea Portella Alegre


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